Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Facetious Minecraft (and future plans)

Facetious Minecraft
"Mike John and Will all decide to go on their friends server (Hugh).
after we initially spawned we had some trouble concerning a tree (or two) and decided to head north to build a house."
this is the first of what should be a few episodes long series (before we get bored basically.) each eppisode is about an hour long but cut into 10-15 minuet parts. each episode will be filmed either weekly or bi-weekly and each episode will be filmed (and edited) from a different member of the team (ep.1 = mike, ep.2 = will, etc.). each part will go up either every day or every other day (depending on how much footage we have per week).
video link:
at any rate watch the videos and give some feedback. thanks.

Future plans.
We have intentions to all get a hold of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (since we talked about it in our first podcast and it's one of the few games that ALL our PC's can run, bar minecraft) and do a play through of it on battlenet. in the same way as the minecraft videos (each episode is an hour or so of footage and filmed and edited by a different person).
This should keep us occupied for a while at least.

well thanks for reading.

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